We regret to inform you, after 4 great years, Toucan is no longer operational. Thank you for all your support.
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


5 min read

An update from the CEO about Toucan’s new patented feature

An update on Toucan's Conversation Dynamics: What we know, what we think, and what we’re still investigating

Notes from the CEO

our new patented feature
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


5 min read

Letter from the CEO about Toucan’s new patented feature

On traditional video conferencing platforms, the disparity in talk-time is stark. It's usually the case that one or two people talk, and everyone else listens. We built Toucan specifically to avoid this.

Notes from the CEO

Emily in Paris and a CEO professional takeaway
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


5 min read

My key professional takeaway from watching Emily in Paris

This might be an out-there topic for a professional blog, but I don't really care. Let's talk about why I watch Emily in Paris [No spoilers]. I think that we have a lot to learn from her so next time you start to second guess your ability to execute, instead, think WWED? ("What would Emily do?").

Notes from the CEO

virtual vs in-person events pricing 2023
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


7 min read

Virtual vs. in-person events: a price comparison (2023 updated)

The benefits of hosting virtual events are many - and very clear. We don’t mean to say that virtual events are perfect for every occasion. In fact, we do think that there are some events best hosted in-person. But when it comes to the benefits of virtual events, cost is a BIG one.

Hosting Virtual Events

remote work culture
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


6 min read

How to maintain a strong remote work culture (that works and lasts)

Remote work is a win-win for companies and their employees. But the proper culture takes time to build. If one party neglects their responsibility it can quickly become a serious issue. In this piece, we talk about how to maintain a strong remote work culture that works and lasts.


image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


6 min read

Remote work culture: what it is and why it matters

Remote work culture has become a buzzword in the past years, due to our reliance on it during the pandemic. But, even after 3 years, it is still something that every company really needs to improve upon. In this blog we talk about remote work culture, what it is, why it matters, and how to build it.

Use Cases

NYCs snowdays cancellation
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Toucan’s response to NYC’s senseless cancellation of the snow day

If you are a NYC school teacher, let us help you. Get a Toucan subscription for the winter - at the very least. Be prepared with a more fun, dynamic platform for group work and interactive learning.

Toucan's Story

image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


5 min read

Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey

When I was asked to present to the students about my personal journey that led me to co-found Toucan, I was forced to reflect on all the entrepreneurial experiences I'd had in the past. Here they are.

Toucan's Story

image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

How to host the BEST virtual holiday party

The holidays are a time of joy and togetherness. And what better way to celebrate than to get everyone together - no matter where in the world they may be - than a virtual holiday party?! To make sure that your virtual holiday party is as fun as possible, we decided to put together a small guide with our best tips and tricks. Trust us, we take our online parties pretty seriously.

Hosting Virtual Events

breakout-rooms vs toucan
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

I’ve never made a friend in a breakout room

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never made a friend in a breakout room. Being in a breakout room feels like you’re in another universe, far away from everyone else on the call. Floating around. Alone. But…with random people…

Toucan's Story

remote work, online communication and virtual workspaces
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

A triad: remote work, online communication, and virtual workspaces

Working remotely, solid online communication, and effective virtual workspaces are core components of a healthy work routine. They are deeply intertwined, although most people see them as separate things. This article explores how they’re related and why they matter.


Toucan is committed to improving users' mental health
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

Toucan’s commitment to mental health

At Toucan we are committed to improving our users’ mental health. As a social platform, we understand the duty that we have to our users and hosts to make sure that the environment we’re offering is safe and conducive to supportive conversations.

Toucan's Story

productivity tools
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

Top 8 Remote Work & Productivity Tools (2022 updated)

It’s no secret that distributed teams need a few tools to allow them to manage their everyday work with ease. Luckily, there’s a huge variety in the market to choose from. In this blog post, we’ve written down a list of our top remote work and productivity tools.

Use Cases

toucan is not like clubhouse
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Why Toucan is not like Clubhouse

I’d like to settle this once and for all. No, Toucan is not like Clubhouse. We get asked about this quite a bit. As two companies starting out in the early pandemic days, people understood Clubhouse to be the closest thing to a virtual “social” app and sometimes assumed that Toucan was doing the same thing. This is not correct.

Toucan's Story

stress free virtual events
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

Why there’s no need to be stressed about hosting on Toucan

Using a new video platform can take some adjusting - especially the first time. To help you, we’ve put together 7 practical and easy tips on how to host your first Toucan event fearlessly.

Toucan's Story

virtual event tips
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

The Best Tips from Our Virtual Event Producers

We hosted a social recently featuring our Toucan Producers, where they shared some of their best tips for virtual event hosts. Keep reading for key takeaways, and watch the video below for a recording of the event.

Hosting Virtual Events

get more virtual spaces
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Spaces hosts, here’s how you work within our one-Space limit

Have you heard of Toucan Spaces? If so, I hope you already have one (and use it!). 😉 If not, here’s the overview. Toucan Spaces is the coolest way to experience Toucan!

Toucan How To's

tired of zoom
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Feeling Stuck and Tired of Zoom?

How did being a full-time college student influence the way I built Toucan? In many ways. But the biggest motivating factor was what I had to live through every single day: virtual school. And sadly, attending “virtual school” was, at the time, a synonym for feeling stuck and tired of Zoom all. the. time.

Toucan's Story

ultimate guide networking events
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


9 min read

Online networking events: The ultimate guide

Online networking can be as good as in-person, but only if you put in the necessary work. (Just think about how much work goes into putting on an in-person event. 😳) The more prepared you are, the better results you are going to get. Read along and prepare yourself to create meaningful connections at your next online networking gathering.

Virtual Networking & Presentation

virtual events questions
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


4 min read

Ask yourself these 3 questions when organizing a virtual event

When it comes to organizing virtual events, the to-do lists can get quite long. And this can get overwhelming and time-consuming very quickly. To make your job easier, we have distilled virtual event planning to 3 core questions.

Hosting Virtual Events

toucan pricing
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Letter from the CEO: Pricing on Toucan

In order to continue supporting our users and offering a better way to gather together online, on September 6th, we will begin charging Toucan hosts to use the platform. We look forward to taking this big step with you.

Toucan's Story

leaving conversations
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


5 min read

Our non-awkward guide to leaving conversations

Toucan is great because it allows you to move among various groups that are happening simultaneously. That’s just to say that it recreates the feeling of being at an in-person networking event. And there’s one thing that’s always awkward when mingling in-person: leaving a conversation. Here are a couple sneaky ways to leave a group (that I’ve used successfully).

Toucan's Story

bring more people into toucan
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

“I love Toucan but need to convince others to start using it. What do I do?”

If you are a Toucan fan and want to bring more people into our Toucan community, then this blog post is for you. We hope you enjoy our top-notch tips on how you can get your people onto Toucan.

Toucan How To's

virtual social events tips
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


6 min read

How to make the most out of your virtual social events

Lots of event hosts reach out to us and ask if we have any advice on how to host a successful virtual event. Of course, our tips always depend on your audience, but we do have some that are universal. Read along and get ready to step your virtual events up a notch.

Hosting Virtual Events

remote socializing in virtual workspaces
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

Why Is Remote Socializing so Important in Virtual Workspaces?

The modern workplace is virtual or hybrid, it provides flexibility and allows you to work from anywhere. Read our thoughts on why remote socializing is so important in virtual workplaces and how you can make the most out of your virtual social interactions.

Toucan's Story

why you should hire a professional event planner
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

7 reasons to hire a professional event planner

Have you ever been responsible for organizing an event and felt wildly overwhelmed and anxious? In situations like these, it can be smart to consider bringing on a professional event planner to take some things off your plate. Here are 6 reasons why you SHOULD do it!

Hosting Virtual Events

activities for virtual meetings
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

6 Activities and Icebreaker Games for Fun Virtual Meetings

Are you in need of a quick fix of fun and laughter for your virtual meetings? At Toucan we have a a little black book of virtual activities and icebreaker games to spice up our own online meetings. Here it is - enjoy, and happy meetings!

Use Cases

are virtual events here to stay
image of author  Shaily Hakimian

Shaily Hakimian


3 min read

Are Virtual Events Here to Stay?

So, are Virtual Events Here to Stay? We do think so. And so does Shaily Hakimian. Learn more about our reasons and what makes us love virtual events so much.

Hosting Virtual Events

SSO, the Cure for Password Fatigue
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


4 min read

Single Sign-On, the Cure for Password Fatigue

You have probably heard the phrase Single Sign-On (SSO) a hundred times. Even if you don’t know exactly what it is, you’ve probably logged into something through SSO a hundred times, too. But what is it, and why do companies and people trust it so much?

Toucan How To's

Online tools for community building in the classroom
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


6 min read

Interactive online tools for community building in the classroom

In the past 2 years, there has been a growth in the online interactive learning tools market which is great. But it can also become overwhelming. With so many options, you never know what to choose and what would suit your classroom the best.

Community Management

Toucan Events 2nd Anniversary
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Throwback Toucan: On this 2nd Toucanniversary…

It’s official; Toucan is 2 years old! Time really flies, and we’ve grown a lot. From all of us at Toucan, thank you for your support. We couldn’t be here without our friends, family, and the community around us lifting us up.

Toucan's Story

Icebreakers Games for Your Community
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


6 min read

11 Virtual icebreaker games that your community will LOVE

A good icebreaker can save any occasion from a dreadful awkward silence at the start. Especially online, these awkward moments might be extra hard to get through. This list of virtual icebreaker games will help you get everyone loosened up and the conversations flowing.

Community Management

Mobility Impact Partners x Toucan
image of author Amar Pradhan

Amar Pradhan


3 min read

Testimonial: A reflection on Mobility Impact Partners’ Debate

Do you feel a little nervous about hosting virtual events? Amar Pradhan (Partner, Mobility Impact Partners) reflects on what it was like to work with Toucan Producers to put on a debate with lots of moving parts.

Use Cases

virtual team-building icebreaker questions
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


4 min read

Virtual team-building icebreaker questions

Virtual communication might not be new to you. But sometimes, people and groups might need a little push to get the conversation going. It’s normal. But how? One word: Icebreakers!

Virtual Networking & Presentation

image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

What does a community manager do?

If you haven’t heard the word community manager, you may be living under a rock. Companies, organizations, nonprofits - you name it - are investing more time, energy, and money into developing strong communities. And a community manager is the key to that effort. But what exactly does a community manager do? Keep reading to find out!

Community Management

image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

An ode to the women that lift others up

It’s safe to say that none of us would be where we are today without the support of the strong women in our lives. Our mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, guardians, teachers, friends, role models shape us into the people we are and show us that we can be anything - do anything.

Toucan's Story

image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

How tall are you? A story by our CEO

Working remotely is a really cool concept. You can take people from all over the world, who otherwise would never cross paths, team them up, and create something great. But there are, inevitably, a few things that get lost across the virtual medium. Read this story from our CEO, Antonia Hellman.

Toucan's Story

image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

How-not-to Guide: Zoom Fatigue

Do you feel emotionally and physically drained after a few video calls? You’re probably suffering from what’s now commonly known as “Zoom fatigue.” The good news is that you don’t have to live like this. We’re offering you some tips on how to combat Zoom fatigue and approach video calls with a smile.

Virtual Networking & Presentation

virtual presentation ideas
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

Virtual Presentation Ideas: Funny & Engaging (+7 Tips)

Getting up and presenting in front of a bunch of people can be tricky. It takes initiative and confidence, both of which can be difficult to muster sometimes. Let us help you out with a few tips and tricks to master getting up “on stage” virtually and speaking in front of a group.

Virtual Networking & Presentation

why toucan
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Why "Toucan"? - Answered by Our CEO

"Why Toucan?". I get this question all the time, and it’s actually my favorite one to answer because there are so many layers. So I’m going to do it here so that it can live on the internet for all to read.

Toucan's Story

Virtual Game Night Ideas
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


5 min read

We hosted a virtual game night: This is what we learned (+4 tips)

We organized our first virtual game night! And it was really fun. This is how it went, PLUS some extra tips and ideas for you to organize your own.

Hosting Virtual Events

Socializing Routine Introvert
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

How to socialize - tips from an introvert

Socializing can be pretty difficult for more introverted folks. Here are some tips and tricks that won’t just help you survive, but thrive in the social world!

Hosting Virtual Events

Mike Silberg x Toucan event speaker series
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

Toucan Event Series x Mike Silberg

Our third "How to build a community" speaker series event featured community pro, Mike Silberg. Here are a few lessons we learned from him.

Community Management

Toucan’s Commitments for 2022
image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


3 min read

These are Toucan’s Commitments for 2022

At our first meeting of the year, we shared our intentions and wishes for this upcoming year. Here are a few resolutions we came up with together.

Toucan's Story

Erik Martin x Toucan event speaker series
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

"You have a community...now what?" with Erik Martin

Did you miss our event series with Erik Martin? Well, luckily we put together four key takeaways for you.

Community Management

Tools to use with Toucan
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

Use these tools to enhance your virtual events and meetings

We introduce a little list of helpful software that’s come to us from our hosts on Toucan.

Hosting Virtual Events

Brian Oblinger x Toucan Event
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Forming an Effective Community Strategy

Brian Oblinger recently hosted Toucan's second Event Series. Read to find out about forming an effective community strategy.

Community Management

Large Toucan event
image of author Elektra Murphy

Elektra Murphy


3 min read

How to host large virtual events on Toucan

Are you thinking of hosting a large online event? We've put together a list of top Toucan tips to get you ready.

Hosting Virtual Events

Marjorie Anderson x Toucan event speaker series
image of author Elektra Murphy

Elektra Murphy


3 min read

Toucan Event Series x Marjorie Anderson

Did you miss our event series with Marjorie Anderson? Well luckily we put together three key takeaways for you.

Community Management

Shaily Hakimian, Toucan Superhost
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Shaily Hakimian Superhost Spotlight

Join Toucan CEO in conversation with Shaily Hakimian. Find out how she keeps her community engaged and thriving.

Use Cases

Man on a virtual event
image of author Elektra Murphy

Elektra Murphy


4 min read

8 virtual event ideas to make yours stand out

Are you looking to host your first event? We've put together 8 virtual event ideas to get you started.

Hosting Virtual Events

Man typing on his laptop
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


4 min read

What is remote work and how is it changing in 2021?

Remote work in 2021 is an entirely different ballgame then it was pre-pandemic. Join Paul Murphy in exploring the new remote work lifestyle.

Use Cases

Small picture of Andrew Bennett and Antonia Hellman
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Superhost Spotlight: Andrew Bennett

Join Toucans CEO in her interview with Andrew Bennett where we find out how he uses Toucan Events for his Multilingual Monday Meetups.

Use Cases

Image from Ken Newby interview
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Superhost Spotlight: Ken Newby on the future of remote work

Ken Newby is interviewed by Toucan CEO to discuss how VisionRE is using the platform as their remote work space.

Use Cases

Woman waving at a screen
image of author Elektra Murphy

Elektra Murphy


3 min read

5 Tips to Host Your Online Networking Event

Are you thinking about hosting your first online networking event and don't know where to start? Have a look at our 5 tips to set you up for success!

Virtual Networking & Presentation

People using VR headsets in a room
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Virtual Workspace: Bring Flexibility to your Office

Do we need virtual workspaces that recreate physical workspaces or do we need tools that allow us to work virtually?

Toucan How To's

Ethan Hellman and his family
image of author Ethan Hellman

Ethan Hellman


2 min read

To our father, father figures, and fathers around the world

Toucan's co-founder, Ethan Hellman's, first blog! Wishing the father's around the world a happy Father's Day.

Toucan's Story

Code Beam
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


3 min read

Code BEAM Virtual Conference x Toucan Events

Code BEAM recently hosted a virtual conference of Toucan for their community. Read on to find out about their experience and their chat with Antonia.

Use Cases

Toucan networking event
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Virtual Networking on Toucan Events

Ever wonder how to host a successful virtual networking event? Toucan's CEO, has written up a how-to for your networking event.

Virtual Networking & Presentation

Paul Murphy's Toucan Space
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Tips & Tricks: How I use my Toucan Space

One founder explains how he uses his Toucan Space.

Toucan How To's

Three baguettes
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Toucan's First Online Baking Class

We invited a professional baker to teach us how to make baguettes. We learned a ton!

Hosting Virtual Events

Empty white space
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


10 min read

Hey There! Meet Toucan’s New Spaces

One founder's reaction to Toucan's new Spaces.

Toucan How To's

Virtual office space
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

New: Introducing Toucan Spaces

Toucan introduces Spaces, permanent locations for events and casual meetups.

Toucan How To's

Ethan Hellman and Antonia Hellman as children
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

Story Time: Co-founding with my brother

“What’s it like co-founding a company with your brother?” Antonia Hellman writes her response to the question on everybody’s minds.

Toucan's Story

Scene from The Office
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


6 min read

Work Modalities and Where Toucan Fits

Working together online is fundamentally different than working together in person because most online tools don't allow multiple modalities. Toucan does.

Toucan How To's

Toucan event with user using the screen share feature
image of author John Davison

John Davison


3 min read

Toucan for Standups, 
Good Bye Zoom

We are proud to publish our first guest blog! John Davison wrote a great piece on Toucan and it's differences to Zoom.

Toucan How To's

Statue of a man
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


5 min read

Shakespeare and Pseudonymity

Shakespeare had something to teach me about online pseudonymity.

Toucan's Story

Image of pool
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


9 min read

Pool Culture

Rules and etiquette at public pools throughout the world are surprisingly different.

Toucan's Story

Toucan event with Bill von Hippel
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


4 min read

Toucan, My Professional Kilimanjaro

Obsessions are a prime motivator for invention. These are some of the obsessions that push my work on Toucan.

Toucan's Story

Toucan event
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

Superhost Spotlight: Roxanne Feldman

Since last July, Roxanne Feldman has hosted hundreds of people on Toucan and come up with the most innovative activities.

Use Cases

image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read


Ideas from art works often fuel obsessions that push me to act.


Group of people bowing to greet each other
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


6 min read

In Praise of Etiquette

If we can't develop virtual etiquette we're going to be stuck with moderation. Moderation leads to censorship and banishment.

Toucan's Story

image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Fog: And what it taught me

Getting lost is fine, as long you're prepared enough to find your way home.

Toucan's Story

Toucan event with EnterpriseGuy
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Toucan x EnterpriseGuy

EnterpriseGuy is one of Toucan's superhost. He has used the platform to host his communities networking events. We interviewed him to find out more.

Use Cases

Animated character in the middle of a fire
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Burning Down the House

Building a fire produces anxiety, prevents procrastination, and ultimately brings joy. That's what customer acquisition is like.

Toucan's Story

Two people putting together lego pieces
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


4 min read

Distributed Everything: Work, Companies & Socializing

First we distributed work. Then we distributed companies. Now we're distributing socializing.

Toucan How To's

Virtual call on a screen
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


4 min read

The Birthday that Broke the Camel's Back

All it takes is one bad virtual call to make you want to swear off Zoom forever. This is what happened with Toucan founders.

Toucan's Story

Man on a video call with a woman
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


4 min read

Of Course I Can Dance

Ever wonder what's the difference between real-life events and virtual meetings?

Toucan's Story

Screen loading icon
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

No Mics, Camera, or Action: Is This Our Pandemic Movie?

Toucan CEO, Antonia Hellman, explores the event that drove them to start Toucan. One bad Zoom led to founding of our company.

Toucan's Story

Three plastic monkeys
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Pssst, Please Don't Mute!

Have you ever thought about your mute button from a product perspective? Well we have in Toucan's newest blog 'Please Don't Mute'.

Toucan's Story

Man and woman feet dancing
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


3 min read

Being a Wallflower

Toucan was made for Wallflowers. Read about Paul Murphy's experience of being a wallflower and how it's shaped his view of virtual socializing.

Toucan's Story

Woman with head on table
image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Mental Health in a Distanced World

Have you thought about how lockdown is affecting your mental health? Toucan was founded to increase connections and reduce isolation during these times.

Toucan's Story

Toucan virtual event
image of author Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy


2 min read

The Split and Inspiration Behind Toucan's Design

Find out what inspired Toucan's design and how this new platform has been built to support online social interactions.

Toucan How To's

Explore More Topics

Ready to brush up on something new? We've got more to read right this way.

© 2024 Toucan Events Inc. All rights reserved.