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Toucan x EnterpriseGuy

image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman


2 min read

Toucan event with EnterpriseGuy

If you are looking to be inspired to be a better Toucan host, look no further. Kae Huynh (EnterpriseGuy) is a Superhost in every sense of the word. He was an early adopter of Toucan last summer, he is a regular at our weekly socials--so he finds out about our newest features before anyone else--, and he throws tons of events for his communities on social media.

EnterpriseGuy made a name for himself in the Bay Area for hosting in-person events and meetups. Networking is what he does. And when COVID-19 hit, he had to take everything virtual. With traditional video conferencing tools, finding the same engagement as what he had in-person was challenging. But then he was introduced to Toucan.

Network Virtually

Since the summer, he has hosted several events for his LinkedIn communities. These events started with his “🎉Networking Parties🎉”, where anyone connected with him on LinkedIn could join just by clicking the link. Over time, he picked more specific audiences, such as software investors.

When asked about what both he and his guests get out of using Toucan to network, he said, “My audience are investors. So they come in and they want to meet other investors, and it's very easy for me to present ideas...And they can do that in every other bubble, too. So I think that's been an amazing social use case that helps me, as an influencer, business operator, investor—whichever—build up my network, build up my business, engage with my audience, and try to continue to do what I do.”

One of EnterpriseGuy’s favorite things about Toucan is that spreading the word is so easy. Once you’ve created your event, all you need to do to invite your friends, colleagues, and followers is post the unique link somewhere. “What I do is I create a simple event on Toucan, and that gives me a link. Then I take that link, I integrate it with my marketing, and then I send the marketing out...Then people come in and sign up for it, and we host the event.” It’s really seamless, and he emphasized how guests of all ages and technological skill sets pick up on how to use Toucan instantly.

EnterpriseGuy sees Toucan as being the next frontier for influencer engagement, and he’s the pioneer. It is not enough to just have a following; you have to create a brand, a community around yourself (i.e. EnterpriseGuy--except that one’s taken, sorry). Toucan is redefining what it means to be an influencer and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for audience engagement. He puts it best, “this is one of the rising tools in the influencer stack. Because, as a host, you are an influencer. You just don’t know it yet.”

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About author

image of author Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman

Antonia Hellman is co-founder and CEO of Toucan.

She is a recent graduate of Stanford University, having studied political science and economics.

She enjoys long walks to explore new cities, listening to audiobooks on 1.2x speed, a cup of hot water, and re-watching mediocre movies.

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