Ask yourself these 3 questions when organizing a virtual event

image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade


4 min read

virtual events questions

When it comes to organizing virtual events, the to-do lists can get quite long. And this can get overwhelming and time-consuming very quickly. To make your job easier, we have distilled virtual event planning to 3 core questions:


If you want to host a successful event the very first thing you need to know is your target audience. If you really want to nail it, we suggest thinking about things such as age, job titles, overall interests, and other cultural factors. The best advice that we can give you is to think about your audience as real people and not simply attendance numbers. The more you have their profiles in mind, the more likely you are to ask the right questions, use the right tools, and put on an event that really resonates with them.


This is probably the most important question that you can ask yourself when planning a virtual event. Of course, the why varies depending on the type of event. If you are planning something more corporate or business-oriented your why might be brand awareness or product/service promotion. If you are planning a virtual networking event, for example, your why might be to connect with new people, and to allow others to connect with each other as well. If you are hosting something more on the social side, the why of your virtual social event might simply be to have fun.

Knowing your “why” will not only help you plan your event but also make sure that you host the best event possible day of.


By now you must have your event audience and purpose locked down. If you do, the what becomes far more straightforward. By what, we mean the format of your event. It can be a webinar, an online networking event, a panel discussion, a virtual baking class, an online game night, etc.

Always make sure that what you put together is meaningful and tailored to your audience. We know all too well that it can feel overwhelming to try to make all the right decisions. But we want you to know that you can always rely on us. Our inbox is always open ( and we also have a service - Toucan Production - that helps you plan and host your events.

All the rest

Now you can start thinking about the time, the date, the tech you will be using, marketing, and all the other things in between. If there’s one thing that the past couple of years have taught us, it’s how successful and fun virtual events can be and how important of a role they play in building a sense of community.

If you haven’t hosted a virtual event on Toucan, this is your sign to do so. Just jump right into our interactive demo and play around with it. Getting started is easy - all you need to do is create your own Toucan Space and invite people with your unique link!

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About author

image of author Sara Natividade

Sara Natividade

Sara knows some things about marketing, has 3 cats, loves to go for hikes and organize things by color!

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